Our Process — ESA Environmental Consultants
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Our Process

Three simple steps that generate profound results


When a potential client comes to ESA, they do so because they have to, not because they want to. Being sensitive to this, ESA first determines the client’s circumstances and what professional environmental service they require. Are they involved in a property sale? Is there a mold issue? Is this a simple request for a Phase I?


Once ESA has identified what prompted the client’s inquiry, we then ask a series of questions and review environmental reports or studies performed on the subject property if available.


Armed with information, ESA then designs a customized strategy to bring the client into compliance and presents it to the client in the form of a proposal. All this work is normally performed at no charge to the client.



Once the client retains ESA, the real work begins. ESA assigns a project manager who has substantial experience working on similar projects. Our senior staff is so highly experienced that chances are very slim that the client’s project requires a set of skills that ESA has not brought to bear on countless other projects. This combination of focus on the client’s unique situation, customizing our approach to the client’s needs, and executing the work with highly seasoned veterans makes ESA a truly remarkable value and excellent choice to bring virtually any environmental project to closure.

Ask our expert environmental consultants for help solving your environmental challenges.